Charleston County Sheriff's Office is one of the premier Law Enforcement Agencies in South Carolina, we strive to serve the Charleston County Community by building trust and confidence, and being reponsive to community needs utilizing integrity, commitment, vision and cooperation. If you have these qualities and want to make a real difference in your community, we welcome you to join one of the most progressive and well equipped agencies in the Southeast.
Mission Statement: To serve our community by helping to provide a safe environment for citizens to live, work, raise families, and enhance their quality of life by providing excellent law enforcement services and always seeking to promote mutual trust and respect.
Job Description: As a Charleston County Deputy Sheriff, you will join a premier law enforcement agency with an outstanding team of law enforcement professionals striving to serve our community by helping to provide a safe environment for citizens to live, work and raise families, and enhance their quality of life by providing excellent law enforcement services. The duties of this position include all general law enforcement functions including patrolling all areas of Charleston County (as assigned), responding to all calls for assistance, traffic enforcement, investigation of criminal activity including the arrest of violators, preparation of applicable documents, issuance of citations, service of warrants, and all other duties pertaining to the enforcement of laws and ordinances as prescribed by SC law. As a Deputy Sheriff with the Charleston County Sheriff's Office, you will have the opportunity to work in a variety of specialized units such as: Criminal Investigation, Narcotics/Vice, K-9, Marine Patrol, Traffic, Animal Control, Forensic Services, Warrants, General Sessions and Family Courts, Transport, and Civil Process.
If you have one of the following disqualifiers, you MAY be disqualified from the process. If you have questions, please contact the Recruiter or Human Resources.
To apply in person visit the Human Resources office located at 3691 Leeds Avenue, North Charleston, SC or print the application here. They can also be reached at (843) 554-2499.
Qualified applicants will receive an email or letter advising of a test date. Make sure your email and mailing address are up to date so we can ensure you receive your notification.
If your test date needs to be rescheduled, please contact the Human Resource office at (843) 554-2499.
Charleston County Sheriff's Office is one of the most premier Law Enforcement Agencies in South Carolina, we strive to serve the Charleston County Community by building trust and confidence, and being responsive to community needs utilizing integrity, commitment, vision and cooperation. If you have these qualities and want to make a real difference in your community, we welcome you to join one of the most progressive and well equipped agencies in the Southeast.
We are looking for honest, hard working and creative individuals who have a passion for protecting their community and serving others.
You will be brought in before a board of 5-6 people who will ask you questions pertaining to you and the position of Deputy Sheriff.
Preparing for the Interview
Interview Tips:
What to wear?
AAll Deputy Sheriff's will be certified and attend the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy where they will study criminal law, self–defense, firearms, driving and physical fitness with a variety of other topics. After basic certification, deputies will return to Charleston County where they will attend Field training. After they are released from field training the deputy is assigned to a Patrol Team.
Field Training will be 6 weeks for certified officers and 12 weeks for uncertified officers.
After your year probation period, you may consider applying for one of the specialized units: K9, Aviation, Marine Patrol, Criminal Investigations Unit, Forensic Services Unit, Selective Traffic Enforcement, Warrants, civil Disturbance, Court Security, Narcotics and Community Affairs.
In addition to specialized units, we also offer collateral duties: Marine Patrol, Aviation, Honor Guard, Underwater Recovery Team, Search and Rescue, SWAT, Crisis Negotiator, Civil Disturbance Team and Bomb Team.
Deputy Sheriff: $54,471-$68,515
(Estimated Annual Salary)
Longevity raises are awarded at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and every 5 years after year 10.
Merit raises begin at 6 years of service and are awarded in non-longevity years.
The Charleston County Sheriff's Office offers internship opportunities to college students.
The Intern must be enrolled in an accredited program. The application process for the Program requires completing the application and participating in an Interview.
The Interview Committee will be made up of leadership from both the Training Division and The Community Service Unit that will determine final selections for applicants.
Our Internship Program will expose the participant to as many aspects of law enforcement as feasibly possible. A rough estimation is that 70% of the Interns required hours would be with the Patrol Division, actually riding with Patrol Deputies during their shift. The remaining 30% would be comprised of time spent with Specialized Units, and the Administrative side of the house.
Due to privacy laws and regulations, there are certain units that interns are prohibited from entering, but for those units a presentation will be provided to explain their function. In addition, Interns will attend Community Meetings with a member of the Community Services Unit, this will allow the Intern to observe the community interaction dynamic with The Charleston County Sheriff’s Office.
For more information on the Internship Program, please contact
Sergeant Emily Hairfield at (843) 529-5319 or at
For any questions on applying or during the application process contact:
Sergeant Emily Hairfield at or at (843) 529-5319.
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